Hilaria Cruz
University of Kentucky
Short Bio:
I am a field linguist and native speakers of Chatino, an endangered Zapotecan language spoken in the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico. My research interests include morphology, Phonetics, corpus linguistics, language documentation and revitalization, verbal art, and indigenous knowledge.
I am a founding member of the Chatino Language Documentation Project (CLDP), a group that documents and studies the language with the aim both to advance linguistics and respect the wishes of the Chatino people by promoting and honoring their language. In connection with the CLDP, I have personally collected and archived more than one hundred hours of audio and video recordings of naturalistic speech in formal and informal settings. This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Endangered Language Programme at the School of Oriental and African Studies in England.
Research interests:
My research interests include morphology
corpus linguistics
language documentation and revitalization
verbal art
and indigenous knowledge.